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Monthly Writing Goals | May 2023

Welcome back to my blog!

It has been a long while since I've really posted on social media at all save for the perfunctory Instagram post or story. I truly thought about what kind of social media I wanted to do when I really started deep diving into my book again. I will be active on Instagram, but I also wanted a long-form place to write what I wanted to talk about. Truth be told, I'm not one to make TikToks or Reels. Not to mention that even though you've blocked your contacts from seeing posts, they will still see them.... looking at you, parents.

May is the beginning of my favorite season and I want to dive back into writing, but I don't want to just talk about writing. Most of my posts will be about my projects, but I also want to give myself reprieve and talk about things I also love. Every Saturday, I plan to talk about my Garden and Baking endeavors. It's something I am truly passionate about, and I hope you enjoy those posts as well. I've been on a huge food journey the past few years, and I want to share my favorite recipes I've found and made as well as talk about my food preservation projects.

So let's dive into my writing goals this month:

Finish Writing the Third Draft Outline

This is my all around main goal. I'm really hoping to get this all squared away by the 19th of May (I'm planning on writing a post about it). I've been working on this outline way too long and I just want to finish it. Don't get me wrong, I love picking at it, but it gives me a reason to keep working towards something. It's time I finish writing that thing and finally move forward. Part of me thinks that's probably what's making me lose writing motivation. I just sit there and have to rewrite my plot into a detailed outline.

There's use in it! I'm not just rewriting it. There's moving parts to this practice because I switched to a different age range, so it's wholly necessary. I am also changing a character to be of a bigger role and in turn am moving another character a little in the background (aka I chose the wrong person as my MCs best friend). This also helps me figure out some things I've been pushing off for a really long time!

Start Writing Serpenvie Draft 3

I would love to start writing this draft. I think I'm aiming to get about 15,000 words completed. I have a week off from work at the end of this month and I think about 1,500 words a day is really manageable for an evening average. I won't get mad if I don't get those words written, I'm really hoping to really dive into this book in June. But May is just dipping my toes into the water. I'm aiming to fast draft, so we shall see how far I really get this month!

Get Back Into Reading

As of writing this, I am 5 books behind schedule. It's a little overwhelming as I want to read 100 books this year, but I can catch up. I'm just stuck on the same book that caused me to have a slump in the first place for physically reading (curse you, City of Heavenly Fire).

Write a Blog Post Every Day & Be More Active on Social Media

I usually spend my mornings writing these posts, and I would like to continue writing them. I look forward to seeing how I complete them at the end of the month.

I also hope to be more active on Instagram and posting more posts. I aim to take a lot of photos with my nice camera since I don't frequently pull that out and I would like to do that a little more.

Well, that's all I have for you today.

See you next time,

Amanda xx

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